Instructors: Dr. Nilanjan Datta, Dr. Arpita Maitra, Dr. Debolina Ghatak, Prof. Goutam Mukherjee, Prof. Rana Barua

Course Objective:

The primary objectives of this course are to enable researchers, irrespective of their discipline, in developing the most appropriate methodology for their research studies; and to make them familiar with the art of using different research methods and techniques. The learner should be able to get a guideline on how to write, publish, present, and review scientific papers. It is hoped that the course will assist in the accomplishment of exploratory as well as result-oriented research studies.


  1. Module I: Motivation, Types of Research, Background, Time and Effort management, Role of a Supervisor, Finding and Solving Problems.
  2. Module II: Reading and Writing Scientific Papers Efficiently, Publishing and Reviewing Papers, Preparing Good Presentations, Scientific Norms and Conventions, Collaborative Works.
  3. Module III: Mathematical Abstraction, On the Role of Intuition in Research.
  4. Module IV: Sampling Design, Measurement and scaling Techniques, Methods of Data Collections, Processing and Analysis of Data, Testing of Hypothesis I, Chi-square Test, Analysis of variance and co-variance, Testing of Hypothesis II, Multivariate Analysis Techniques.

Class Materials (Slides / Notes)

Module I (Dr. Arpita Maitra):

Module II (Dr. Nilanjan Datta):

Module III (Prof. Goutam Mukherjee and Prof. Rana Barua):

Module IV (Dr. Debolina Ghatak):

  • Board-work:
  • Board-work:
  • Board-work:


  • Presentation (Mid-sem): May 10-11, 2022
  • Review Paper 1: June 15, 2022
  • Review Paper 2: June 30, 2022
  • Presentation (End-sem)
  • Write-up (End-sem)