September 14, 2023


In continuation of TCG CREST’s ongoing affiliation and collaboration with Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), the senior leadership of AcSIR visited the TCG CREST campus in Kolkata on Thursday, September 14, 2023.

TCG CREST was delighted to host Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar ( Director, AcSIR & Chairman, Senate, AcSIR), Prof. Ajay Dhar (Associate Director, AcSIR) and Ms. Arpita Sengupta (Senior Manager, AcSIR) for the day long program.

The Program Schedule included:

  • Meet and Greet: Felicitation of AcSIR team
  • Presentation and Discussion with  TCG CREST Leadership Team
  • Document exchange with signature between TCG CREST and AcSIR.
  • AcSIR meeting with the students
  • AcSIR tour of IAI, CHINTA, CQuERE and RISE facilities

Some of the pictures of the event are presented below.

Felicitation of Prof Manoj Dhar, AcSIR
Felicitation of Prof. Ajay Dhar, ACSIR


Felicitation of Arpita Sengupta, AcSIR




Exchange of Agreement between AcSIR and TCG CREST
Exchange of Agreement between AcSIR and TCG CREST
Prof. Manjo Dhar, AcSIR addressing the students of TCG CREST
AcSIR visits CQuERE facility
AcSIR visits CHINTA facility
AcSIR visits RISE facility