Name: Bibhas Chandra Das
Affiliation: Research Scholar, IAI – TCG CREST
Date: 09/02/2021
Title: Dynamic Symmetric Searchable Encryption for Conjunctive Queries
Abstract: In the growing need of outsourcing data to cloud servers, Symmetric Searchable Encryption(SSE) provides a cryptographic solution to the question of security at the time of searching the stored data. Most of the research works in this direction have been mainly done on performing single keyword search queries. However, in the general setting, we need to perform conjunctive and disjunctive search queries and consecutively all general Boolean search queries. Two of the most recent works in the area of conjunctive search query are by Hu et al. and Patranabis et al. In this talk, I will discuss the pros and cons of both constructions. Specifically, one achieves better security at the cost of huge computation and the other one is less secure at the cost of minimal computation. Then I will present our solution in this regard through our proposed scheme, which answers every conjunctive query correctly and also achieves a really good trade-off between security and computation.