PhD Program

This year we are offering a full-time Ph.D. program in (i) Science and (ii) Engineering in collaboration with Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR). Our present research focus includes Cryptography and Security, Quantum Computation, Mathematics and Its Applications, Graph Algorithms, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Semester I

The classes for this semester start on August 12. The classes will be held offline. All the selected candidates need to clear the coursework in the span of their first two semesters. In the first semester, the students have to attend and clear courses as decided by the Research Fellow Advisory Committee and a mandatory course on Research Methodology.

Courses Offered
Here is the list of courses offered this semester and their respective instructor.

  • Cryptology: Nilanjan Datta, Avik Chakraborti and Subhabrata Samajder
  • Discrete Mathematics: Avijit Dutta and Shion Samaddar Chaudhury
  • Introduction to Computer Programming and Data Structures:  Laltu Sardar and Ritankar Mandal
  • Introduction to Machine Learning: Md Sahidullah
  • Abstract Algebra (AA): Satyendra Mishra
  • Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus (LA): Apratim Chakraborty and Kuldeep Saha
  • Combinatorics and Graph Theory (CGT): Anupam Mandal and Sajal Kr. Mukherjee
  • Research Methodology: Arpita Maitra, Rana Barua

Academic Calendar:

Mid Semestral Examination (tentative): 18/10/2024 – 25/10/2024 
End Semestral Examination (tentative): 02/12/2023 – 09/12/2024

Holidays: The list of holidays is given below.

  • 15th August: Independence Day
  • 02nd October: Mahalaya / Gandhi Jayanti
  • 09-11th October: Durga Puja
  • 16th October: Lakshmi Puja
  • 31st October: Kali Puja / Diwali
  • 25th December: Christmas Day


Timetable: The weekly timetable will be available here.

Meet-in-the-Middle: We conduct a weekly seminar, called Meet-in-the-Middle, each Wednesday from 4:00-5:00PM. The details are available [here].