Centres of Research and Education in Science and Technology

Warm up

  • Day 1: 11/07/2022
    • [11:00 – 13:00]: Registration
    • [14:30 – 15:00]: Welcome Address and Overview of the Workshop, Sabyasachi Bhattacharya and Bimal K. Roy
    • [15:00 – 16:00]: Generating Functions, Bimal K. Roy
    • [16:30 – 17:45]: Magic Squares of Odd Orders, Rajeeva Laxman Karandikar

Foundation (12 Lectures):

  • Day 2: 12/07/2022
    • Session 1: Polya Theory, Bimal K. Roy
    • Session 2: Combinatorial Designs: Bimal K. Roy
    • Session 3: Galois Fields, Mausumi Bose
    • Session 4: Introduction to Graph Theory, Shion Samadder Chaudhury
  • Day 3: 13/07/2022
    • Session 1: Graph Algorithms, Shion Samadder Chaudhury
    • Session 2: Mutually Orthogonal Latin Squares, Hadamard Matrices, Orthogonal Arrays, Mausumi Bose
    • Session 3: Pigeonhole Principle, Soumyajit Biswas
    • Session 4: Partitions I – A brief survey, Shion Samadder Chaudhury
  • Day 4: 14/07/2022
    • Session 1: Partitions II – Rogers-Ramanujan Identities – a combinatorial proof: Shion Samadder Chaudhury
    • Session 2: Steiner’s Triple Systems for construction of 2-designs: Mausumi Bose
    • Session 3: Basic Number Theory: Rana Barua
    • Session 4: Discussion

Cryptography (9 Lectures):

  • Day 5: 15/07/2022
    • Session 1: Introduction to Cryptology: Bimal K. Roy
    • Session 2: Number Theory for Cryptography: Rana Barua
    • Session 3: Stream Ciphers: Subhamoy Maitra
    • Session 4: Boolean Functions in Cryptology: Subhamoy Maitra

  • Day 6: 16/07/2022
    • Session 1: Introduction to Quantum Computing (Part-I): Arpita Maitra
    • Session 2: Public Key Cryptosystem: Rana Barua

  • Day 7: 18/07/2022
    • Session 1: Block Ciphers: Nilanjan Datta
    • Session 2: Advanced Combinatorial Problems in Cryptology: Avijit Dutta
    • Session 3: Introduction to Quantum Computing (Part-II): Arpita Maitra
    • Session 4: Discussion

Combinatorial Topology (12 Lectures):

  • Day 8: 19/07/2022
    • Session 1: The topological Tverberg problem: Samik Basu
    • Session 2: Graph Colouring: Anupam Mondal
    • Session 3: Kneser’s conjecture (Part-I): Sajal Mukherjee
    • Session 4: Discussion

  • Day 9: 20/07/2022
    • Session 1: Kakutani and Dyson’s Theorems: Samik Basu
    • Session 2: Discrete Morse theory basics (Part-I): Anupam Mondal
    • Session 3: Kneser’s conjecture (Part-II ): Sajal Mukherjee
    • Session 4: Discussion

  • Day 10: 21/07/2022
    • Session 1: The index of Grassmannians and flag manifolds and orthogonal shadows (Part-I): Samik Basu
    • Session 2: Discrete Morse theory basics (Part-II): Kuldeep Saha
    • Session 3: Topology of independent sets of a graph (Part-I): Apratim Chakraborty
    • Session 4: Discussion

  • Day 11: 22/07/2022
    • Session 1: The index of Grassmannians and flag manifolds and orthogonal shadows (Part-II): Samik Basu
    • Session 2: Morse Homology: Sajal Mukherjee
    • Session 3: Topology of independent sets of a graph (Part-II): Apratim Chakraborty
    • Session 4: Concluding Remarks and Vote of Thanks

      Session Timings:

    • Session 1: 10:30 – 11:45
      Tea Break
    • Session 2: 12:15 – 13:30
    • Session 3: 15:00 – 16:15
      Tea Break
    • Session 4: 16:45 – 18:00