- Palak Chawla, Shweta, K. R. Swain, Tushti Patel, Renu Bala, Disha Shetty, K. Sugisaki, Sudhindu Bikash Mandal, Jordi Riu, Jan Nogue, V. S. Prasannaa, and B. P. Das, Quantum hardware demonstrations of relativistic calculations of molecular electric dipole moments: from light to heavy systems using Variational Quantum Eigensolver, Phys. Rev. A 111, 022817 (2025).
- Anumita Mukhopadhyay, Shibdas Roy, and Arun Kumar Pati, Unitality Conditions on Subsystems in Quantum Dynamics, arXiv 2502:11956 (2025).
- Akhil Pratap Singh, K. Sugisaki, V. S. Prasannaa, Bijaya Kumar Sahoo, B. P. Das, and Yasunobu Nakamura, Experimental computations of atomic properties on a superconducting quantum processor, Phys. Rev. A 110, 062620(2024).
- Aashna Anil Zade, K. Sugisaki, M. Werner, A. Palacios, A. Garcia-Saez, A. Riera, and V. S. Prasannaa, Capturing strong correlation effects on a quantum annealer: calculation of avoided crossing in the H4 molecule using the quantum annealer eigensolver, arXiv 2412.20464 (2024).
- Snehal Mandal, Biplab Biswas, Suvankar Purakait, Anupam Roy, Biswarup Satpati, Indranil Das, and B. N. Dev, Two superconducting thin films systems with potential integration of different quantum functionalities, arXiv 2412.19493 (2024).
- P. B. Tsemo, A. Jayashankar, K. Sugisaki, N. Baskaran, S. Chakraborty, and V. S. Prasannaa, Enhancing the HHL algorithm in systems with large condition numbers, arXiv 2407.21641 (2024).
- A. Majumder, D. Lewis, A. Jayashankar, V. S. Prasannaa, and S. Bose, Variational quantum circuits for multi-qubit gate automata, arXiv 2209.00139 (2024).
- Sanchita Ghosh, Anant Sharma, Sreetama Das and Shibdas Roy, Efficient Quantum Algorithm for SUBSET-SUM Problem, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/646 (2024).
- Anant Sharma, Nupur Deshpande, Sanchita Ghosh, Sreetama Das and Shibdas Roy, An Efficient Quantum Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem, Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2024/626 (2024), Accepted in a reputed journal.
- Ankush Thakur, Renu Bala, H. S. Nataraj, and V. S. Prasannaa, Relativistic coupled-cluster calculations for the molecular properties of AlX+ (X: F, Cl, Br, I, At and Ts) ions, accepted for publication in J. Phys. B (2024).
- V. Kumar, N. Bhaskaran, V. S. Prasannaa, K. Sugisaki, D. Mukherjee, K. G. Dyall, and B. P. Das, Computation of relativistic and many-body effects in atomic systems using quantum annealing, Phys Rev A 109, 042808 (2024).
T. Saha, P. Ghosal, P. Bej, A. Banerjee, and P. Deb, Thermalization of isolated quantum many-body system and the role of entanglement, Physics Letter A 509, 129501 (2024).
- R. Bala, V. S. Prasannaa, D. Chakravarti, D. Mukherjee, and B. P. Das, Ab initio spectroscopic studies of of AlF and AlCl molecules, accepted for publication in IJMP B (2024).
- Shibdas Roy, Filippo Caruso, and Srushti Patil, Efficient learning of arbitrary single-copy quantum states, arXiv 2310.19748 (2023).
- N. Baskaran, Abhishek Singh Rawat, A. Jayashankar, D. Chakravarti, K. Sugisaki, Shibdas Roy, Sudhindu Bikash Mandal, D. Mukherjee, and V. S. Prasannaa, Adapting the HHL algorithm to quantum many-body theory, Physical Review Research 5, 043113 (2023).
- D. Chakravarti, S. Sen, and D. Mukherjee, A systematic improvement to UGA-SSMRCCSD equations and its implication for potential energy curves, J Chem Phys 159, 134102 (2023).
- K. Sugisaki, V. S. Prasannaa, S. Ohshima, T. Katagiri, Y. Mochizuki, B. K. Sahoo, and B. P. Das, Bayesian phase difference estimation algorithm for direct calculation of fine structure splitting: accelerated simulation of relativistic and many-body effects, Electron Struct 5, 035006 (2023).
- G. Chakraborty, S. Chakraborty, T. Basu, and M. Mukherjee, Quantum Control of Heat Current, arXiv 2306.15937 (2023).
- R. Bala, V. S. Prasannaa, M. Abe, and B. P. Das, Effective electric field associated with the electric dipole moment of the electron for TlF+, EPJ Plus 138, 478 (2023).
- R. Bala, V. S. Prasannaa, and B. P. Das, Relativistic calculations of molecular electric dipole moments of singly charged aluminium monohalides, J Phys B 56, 125101 (2023).
- A. Padhan, R. Parida, S. Lahiri, M. K. Giri, and T. Mishra, Quantum phases of constrained bosons on a two-leg Bose-Hubbard ladder, arXiv 2304.11747 (2023).
- M. K. Giri, B. Paul, and T. Mishra, Interacting quantum walk on a two-leg flux ladder: emergence of re-entrant dynamics, arXiv 2304.09796 (2023).
- Saumen Chaudhuri, A. K. Das, G. P. Das, and B. N. Dev, Strain induced effects on the electronic and phononic properties of 2H and 1T’ monolayer MoS2, Physica B 655, 414701 (2023).
- D. Halder, V. S. Prasannaa, V. Agarawal, and R. Maitra, Iterative quantum phase estimation with variationally prepared reference state, Int J Quant Chem 123, 3 (2023).
- S. Roy, BQP=PSPACE, arXiv 2301.10557 (2023).
- Saumen Chaudhuri, A. K. Das, G. P. Das, and B. N. Dev, Ab initio study of electronic and lattice dynamical properties of monolayer ZnO under strain, J. Elec. Mat. 1, 11 (2022).
- D. Halder, V. S. Prasannaa, and R. Maitra, Dual exponential coupled cluster theory: unitary adaptation, implementation in the variational quantum eigensolver framework, and pilot applications, J Chem Phys 157, 174117 (2022).
- G. Orso and M. Singh, Pairs, trimers, and BCS-BEC crossover near a flat band: Sawtooth lattice, Phys Rev B 106, 014504 (2022).
- R. Villela, V. S. Prasannaa, and B. P. Das, High precision quantum simulation of ionization energies of single valence atoms, EPJ Plus 137, 1017 (2022).
- Anushree Dey, Arpita Pal, Subhasish Dutta Gupta, and Bimalendu Deb, Zero-threshold correlated-photon laser with a single trapped atom in a bimodal cavity, arXiv:2207.12304v1 (2022).
- A. Hayashi, S. Mondal, T. Mishra, and B. P. Das, Competing insulating phases in a dimerised extended Bose-Hubbard model, Phys. Rev. A 106, 013313 (2022).
- Saumen Chaudhuri, Amrita Bhattacharya, A. K. Das, G. P. Das, and B. N. Dev, Tensile strain induced enhancement in the thermoelectric performance of monolayer MoS2, arXiv:2203.12991 (2022).
- J. C. Mahato, Debolina Das, Arindam Pal, Prabir Pal, and B. N. Dev, Sequential growth of self-organized epitaxial FeSi2 and CoSi2 nano-structures on Si(111)- 7 × 7 surfaces, Applied Surface Science 572, 151397 (2022).
- R. Mitra, B. K. Sahoo, and V. S. Prasannaa, Electric Dipole Moments and Static Dipole Polarizabilities of Alkali–Alkaline-Earth Molecules: Non-relativistic versus relativistic coupled-cluster theory analyses, Phys. Rev. A 105, 062811 (2022).
- M. K. Giri, S. Mondal, B. P. Das, and T. Mishra, Signatures of non-trivial pairing in the quantum walk of two-component bosons , Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 050601, https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.00873 (2022).
- R. Alarcon et al, Electric dipole moments and the search for new physics, Contribution to Snowmass 2021, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2203.08103.pdf (2022). Authors from CQuERE: V. S. Prasannaa and B. P. Das.
- Sumeet, V. S. Prasannaa, B. K. Sahoo, and B. P. Das, Assessing the Precision of Quantum Simulation of Many-Body Effects in Atomic Systems using the Variational Quantum Eigensolver Algorithm, Quantum Reports 4, 173 (2022). Highlighted in the main page of Quantum Reports as a Title Story.
- B. N. Dev, Quantum phenomena in nanostructures, J. Phys. : Conf. Ser. 1718, 012003 (2021).
- J. C. Mahato, D. Das, R. Batabyal, Anupam Roy, and B. N. Dev, Silicon nanodots via sputtering of Si(111)-7×7 surfaces and post-annealing, Materials Today: Proceedings 47, 1617 (2021).
- N. Shitara, N. Yamanaka, B. K. Sahoo, T. Watanabe, and B. P. Das, CP violating effects in 210Fr and prospects for new physics beyond the Standard Model, Journal of High Energy Physics 2021, 124 (2021).
- R. Mitra, V. S. Prasannaa, B. K. Sahoo, M. Abe, and B. P. Das, Study of HgOH to Assess its Suitability for Electron Electric Dipole Moment Searches, Atoms 9(1), 7 (2021).
- D. Chakravarti, K. Hazra, R. Kayal, S. Sasmal, and D. Mukherjee, Exploration of interlacing and avoided crossings in a manifold of potential energy curves by a Unitary Group Adapted State Specific Multi-Reference Perturbation Theory (UGA-SSMRPT), J. Chem. Phys. 155, 014101 (2021).
- B. K. Sahoo, and B. P. Das, and H. Spiesberger, New physics constraints from atomic parity violation in 133Cs, Phys. Rev. D 103, L111303 (2021).
- D. Chakravarti, S. Sen, and D. Mukherjee, RReappraisal of the normal ordered Jeziorski-Monkhorst Ansatz in the UGA-OSCC theory for a study of IP, EA and EE, accepted for publication in Mol Phys: John Stanton Special Issue: Theory Meets Experiment (2021).
- M. K. Giri, S. Mondal, B. P. Das, and T. Mishra, Two component quantum walk in one-dimensional lattice with hopping imbalance Scientific Reports 11, 22056 (2021).
- R. Mitra, V. S. Prasannaa, R. F. Garcia Ruiz, T. K. Sato, M. Abe, Y. Sakemi, B. P. Das, and B. K. Sahoo, Towards CP Violation Studies on Superheavy Molecules: Theoretical and Experimental Perspective, Phys. Rev. A 104, 062801 (2021).
- S. Kalita, S. Chakraborty, and A. K. Sarma, Switching of quantum synchronization in coupled optomechanical oscillators, J. Phys. Common. 5, 115006 (2021).