Centres of Research and Education in Science and Technology

Submission Topics:

Indocrypt 2022 invites original contributions on all technical aspects of cryptology. We welcome submissions of any cryptographic topic, including but not limited to Foundational theory, Security analysis of a cryptographic primitive, Design and analysis of a new cryptographic scheme, Provable Security, Design and cryptanalysis of an authentication scheme, ML and AI aided cryptanalysis, Applications of cryptography, Cryptographic Protocol, Implementation aspects, Cryptocurrency, Key management protocol, Anonymity, Information theory and Security, Post Quantum Cryptography. Cryptographic aspects of Network security, Complexity theory, Information theory, Number theory, Quantum computing, Coding theory, and Blockchain are also solicited for submission.




Instructions for authors:

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any journal or any other conference or workshop with formally published proceedings. Authors may also not submit the work to any other journal or conference/workshop with published proceedings until the date of notification. Accepted submissions may not appear in any other conference or workshop that has proceedings. Information about submissions may be shared with program chairs of other conferences for the purpose of detecting duplication.

The submissions must be written in English. It must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references; all submissions will go through a double-blind peer-review process. Submissions must be submitted after processing in LaTeX2e using the Springer LNCS format with default margins and font. The paper must begin with a title and must contain the following columns accordingly: a short abstract, a list of keywords, the main body, appendices (if any), and references. The main body must commence with an introduction that concisely summarizes the paper’s contributions in a way that is comprehensible to a general cryptographic reader. The paper must not exceed 20 pages (including appendices, if any, but excluding references) in length after being formatted in LNCS style. All submissions must have page numbers, e.g., using LaTeX command \pagestyle{plain}. Appendices (if any) should be placed after the main body and before the references. Failure to meet the aforementioned standards may result in rejection at an early stage. Significant changes between the submitted version and the published version should be approved by the program committee.

If there is any additional supporting material, such as source codes, proofs, or other files supporting verification of the results, it should be included in the main paper after the references. There are no prescribed format and page restrictions for the supporting material, but it should be clearly labelled. However, the submission should be self-contained and intelligible as the committee members will read additional supporting materials at their discretion. Note that unverifiable data or results may risk rejection.

The proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. All accepted papers must conform to the Springer publishing requirements, and authors will be required to sign the Springer’s LNCS Copyright form when submitting the proceedings version of their paper. By submitting a paper, the authors agree that if the paper is accepted, one of the authors will present the paper at the conference. The conference shall be held in hybrid mode.

Papers must be submitted electronically in pdf format.