Kushankur Dutta
Junior Research Fellow, IAI TCG CREST
RESEARCH: Broadly my research area is Symmetric Key Cryptography. Currently, my research works are focused on provable security. I am trying to optimize the security bounds of a few Symmetric Key constructions and their other variants. Also, I am interested in tweaking popular constructions and proposing alternate constructions with better security.
EDUCATION: I completed my Bachelor’s and Master’s of Statistics from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. After that, I did a one-year pre Ph.D. coursework in Computer Science at IAI, TCG CREST.
PUBLICATION: Nilanjan Datta, Avijit Dutta, Kushankur Dutta: Improved Security Bound of (E/D)WCDM. IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol. 2021(4): 138-176 (2021).
CONTACT: kushankur29@gmail.com, kushankur.dutta@tcgcrest.org.